
 We offer a range of health care services including the following:

Baby Clinic

This clinic is normally held on Tuesdays/Wednesdays within Riverside Medical Centre, it is for babies child development check (8 week check), and to discuss any possible problems you may have with your baby. This appointment is with a GP and is immediately followed by an appointment with one of the Practice Nurses to receive babies first immunisations. 

Family Planning and Contraception Clinic 

We no longer hold a set Family Planning Clinic here at the Practice. Appointments are pre-bookable with our Nurses. Please tell the receptionist if this is your first appointment for Contraception in order to allow appropriate time to discuss your options.

We no longer offer Coil checks at the practice. 

If you require your coil to be checked or insertion of a new coil please contact the CASH clinic -  03001234154.

Antenatal  Care 

Is now provided within the community please contact your midwife direct.For your 1st Antenatal appointment please contact tel: 01772-524726 

Asthma Clinic 

The Asthma clinic is run by our practice nurses who are specially trained in asthma care. Asthma topics include the disease process, inhaler techniques, types of treatment, monitoring and asthma management plans.   

Diabetic Clinic

This clinic is run by our practice nurses who are specially trained in diabetic care. Diabetic topics covered include risk factors, long term complications and their prevention, blood sugar monitoring and control.  

*Please ensure that you have had your diabetic bloods taken prior to any diabetic reviews. 

Cervical Cytology (smear test) 

This test will be carried out by one of our practice nurses. We operate a recall system and you will receive a letter inviting you to have a smear test at appropriate intervals, if you have not received an invite and your smear is due or you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact the surgery to make an appointment.

Smoking Cessation 

For assistance in stopping smoking please contact the Quit Squad on 01772 644474 or 08003286297